Thursday, November 4, 2010

Annual Meeting Accessibility

Wheelchair Accessibility at the Annual Meeting

The Co-op's Annual Meeting planners recently learned that the site of our meeting, the Cherry Street Loft, is not wheelchair accessible. A staircase is the only method of access to the room. We sincerely apologize to our members for this oversight.

Because our bylaws do not permit us to relocate the meeting this close to the event, we are opening our downtown office's meeting room to members who may have difficulty entering the Loft. We will stream a live broadcast of the meeting to this space, and food and beverages will be available. We are working to create a way for members at this site to be able to take part in the "question and answer" period with the Board.

Again, we sincerely apologize that our annual meeting will not be fully accessible. We strive to keep the Co-op "welcome to all," and we realize we've fallen short of this goal. We hope that our off-site, live-broadcast location will be a sufficient solution for this meeting, and we will ensure that accessibility remains a high priority in planning future events.

Your Co-op