Monday, November 18, 2013

Proposed Board Agenda for this Thursday!

Proposed Board Agenda for November 21, 2013 6:30-9:30 pm

Board meetings are held at the Co-op's downtown business office at 610 Columbia Street SW. Members are welcome to attend.

Agenda Item

2 min
Mission Statement & Commitments Review

3 min
Member Comment

10 min
Staff report

5 min
Volunteer suspension/reinstatement request
Discuss, consent?
20 min
Member concern regarding non-Co-op election materials
15 min
Election results & next steps
30 min
Staff members running for Board: concerns voiced; further communication needed?
20 min
Committee Reports
Board committees include: Outreach, Finance, Personnel, Local, Co-op Development, Hiring, Member Relations and Expansion. Currently, these reports also include two task forces: legal structure review, and bylaws review. 
30 min
Executive Session (communications draft)
45 min
                                                               Total Meeting Time:        3 hours

Executive Session (Bylaws, Section III, number 16): “Board meetings shall normally be open to the membership. The Board may close meetings at its discretion to discuss personnel matters, legal matters, or other items which require private discussion.”

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Election results are in! (Board candidates and bylaws changes)

We are pleased to announce our 2014-2015 Board members – as well as the results of our proposed bylaws changes (spoiler: they all passed by large margins!)

Our 2014 Board members will be

Mohamed El-Sokkary (267 votes)
Joshua Simpson (243 votes)
Isabella Rogol (205 votes)
Michael Snow (199 votes)

Congratulations to our new Board members!

Runners-up, in order of votes received, were: Kitty Koppelman (162), Sally Brownfield (158), Desdra Dawning (149), Nancy Koppelman (103), Audrey Daye (85), Alex Daye (72), Chris Weekes (42) and Ally Kroeber (27). Kim Chaplin and Casey Kilduff, both of whom rescinded their candidacies, received 12 and 9 votes, respectively.

We received a total of 471 verified ballots this year. To be sure of our count, every ballot is counted by two people. If a discrepancy was found, a third count confirmed the totals. We feel confident in the accuracy of the overall totals.

This was a particularly competitive year, with a well-qualified group of candidates. We’d like to extend our thanks to everyone who cared so much about their Co-op that they took the time to run in the election, and to encourage candidates who didn’t make it onto the Board this year to consider running again in a future election.

Proposed Bylaws Changes: PASSED!

The Board of Directors also proposed four changes to our bylaws, all of which passed by very large margins. You can find the full proposals in this month’s newsletter (if you haven’t read them already.) Here are the totals:

Audits: 279 votes in favor, 25 opposed
Length of Board Terms: 294 votes in favor, 38 opposed
Filling Board Vacancies: 294 votes in favor, 29 opposed
Meeting Minutes: 298 votes in favor, 24 opposed

 Thank you to everyone who participated, and especially to our late-night verification and vote-counting crew: volunteers Laura and Jaime, and staff members Fern, Jason, Jayne and Jackie.