After Capitalism: Economic Democracy in Action

When: Tuesday, November 27, 7PM
Where: Meeting Room B at the Olympia Center, 222 Columbia St. Olympia
Alternate Date/Place: Wednesday, November 28th, Noon, The Evergreen State College, Seminar 2, D1107
Details: Dada will introduce ideas in his recent book, After Capitalism, posing the question: "If global capitalism doesn’t work for everyone, what’s the alternative?"
Today a powerful few control most of the world’s wealth, while most people work harder thanWe hope to see you there as we discuss new possibilities for community economics, at home and across borders.
ever, earn less, are forced from job to job, and fall into debt. In contrast, emerging, independent
local economies of small businesses, cooperatives and public utilities are building careers and
meaningful futures for individuals and communities.
This is the message of Dada Maheshvarananda, a monk, activist, and author of the new book,
After Capitalism: Economic Democracy in Action. He explains how social crises are interlinked
with personal struggles for peace and justice. His practical ideas are grounded in a new socioeconomic
model based on local, sustainable economies, social justice and environmental
protection. Dada directs the Prout Research Institute of Venezuela.
Thank you,
The Olympia 2012 Year of the Cooperative Committee
EVENT SPONSORED BY: Olympia 2012 Year of the Cooperative Committee
The Evergreen State College, Political Economy and Social Movements