Olympia Food Co-op Member Relations Committee
Member-at-Large Application
Name: ______________________________
Phone: ______________________________
E-mail: ______________________________
Purpose: To facilitate communication between the membership and the organization.
Committee Members:
• 1-2 Board Members
• 1-2 Members-at-Large (one vacancy)
• 1-2 Staff Members
1. Describe any experience you have working in groups, especially involving facilitating the communication between an organization and its community. (Including your resume would be appreciated but not required.)
2. Why would you like to be part of the Member Relations Committee?
3. This committee typically meets once a month for an hour and a half. Other commitments include communicating via email and working on projects for an average commitment of 3 hours, or more as needed, per month. Are you able to make this volunteer commitment? (Note: You will earn volunteer credit or discount on purchases at the Co-op for hours spent on the committee.)
Submit by email at heather@olympiafood.coop or keziah@olympiafood.coop or by mail with attention to either Heather or Keziah at OFC-Eastside, 3111 Pacific Ave. SE, Olympia, WA 98501, or drop off at either east or west store locations at the Customer Service station. Deadline for submission is April 30, 2011.