Friday, October 12, 2012

Board Meeting Agenda for next week!

The Board of the Olympia Food Co-op meets the third Thursday of every month at 610 Columbia Ave NE. Members are welcome and encouraged to attend the meeting!

Proposed Board Agenda for October 18, 2012 6:30-9:30 pm

Announcements                                                                                  2 min
Mission Statement/ Commitments Review                                           3 min
Member Comment                                                                             5 min
BPC Report                                                                                       5 min
PTNC Update                                                                                   15 min
Committee Reports                                                                            15 min
Annual Meeting & Elections Update                                                   20 min
Bylaws Review                                                                                  45 min
Committees Review Pt. I                                                                    45 min
Executive Session (UNFI & Teamsters update)                                  20 min

                                                        Total Meeting Time:               2 hours 55 min       

PS: For questions, suggestions, to to suggest an agenda item, contact us at ofcboard at 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Awesome word cloud from the Co-op Conversation!

Thanks to Member Relations Committee volunteer Lois for thinking of doing this. It's a simple image, but it highlights what the conversation - and the Co-op - is all about.

And don't forget to read the full report!

Co-op Conversation Report Available to Members!

As the leaves begin to blush red and yellow, kids return to school, and crisp, local apples appear at the Co-op, the Co-op Conversation meetings of this winter and spring might seem like they were eons away. But behind the scenes, staff and volunteers on our Member Relations Committee have been hard at work putting the final touches on the report back from the event. With an overview of common themes and ideas, and some suggestions for moving the forward, the document is an easy and interesting read.

Please take a look and then let us know what you think! Staff and Board decisions are already being made based on the information gathered at these events (pick up an October newsletter to read the Board's Strategic Priorities, for instance). Email us your thoughts at memberrelations at