Thursday, March 12, 2015

Proposed Board Agenda for 3/19!

Proposed Board Agenda for March 19, 2015 6:30-9:30 pm
Board meetings are held at the Co-op's downtown business office
at 610 Columbia Street SW.
Members are welcome to attend.
Contact ofcboard (at) with questions.

Agenda Item
Agenda Review
Mission Statement
Commitments Review
Member Comment
Membership to POS Upgrade Proposal Moving our old membership database onto our new POS system
New website update Let’s take a look at the almost-complete new Co-op website!
Advocacy Committee brainstorm What might a committee focusing on Co-op advocacy look like?

Report back from Organizational Health taskforce In which the committee brings a very first/rough draft of what this concept/process may entail
Staff report

Committee Reports
Board committees include: Co-op Development, Finance, Personnel, Local, Standing Hiring, Member Relations, Expansion, Eco-Planning, and Board/Staff relation

Personnel Policy Update temporary change to current personnel policy due to vacated positions
Meeting Evaluation

                                                            Total Meeting Time:      2 hours 50 minutes

Executive Session (Bylaws, Section III, number 16): “Board meetings shall normally be open to the membership. The Board may close meetings at its discretion to discuss personnel matters, legal matters, or other items which require private discussion.”

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

WLFN Survey: Yakima Valley Farmers! Go Local!

Hi folks,

We've been asked to participate in a survey by some local farmers to help them plan their crops and and their marketing.

It takes less than ten minutes and will provide great information for small independent Latino farmers in the Yakima Valley -- let's help them out!

The WLFN (Washington Latino Farmers Network), is a non-profit organization that is comprised of first-generation farmers in Yakima Valley, WA, who are exploring how they can build ongoing retail relationships with consumers in Western WA. This work is being funded by several grants from the USDA small farmers program. Click on the link to take the survey!

Thank You for your valuable input!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Co-op Expansion Survey

Dear Members and Customers,

The Olympia Food Co-op is conducting a survey that will be used in a market study for the expansion of the Eastside store. The market study is part of a feasibility study that will begin soon.

What’s a feasibility study?
The feasibility study is designed to help us figure out if it makes sense to expand and remodel our Eastside store, based on the Co-op’s needs and resources. A few years back, the Co-op purchased the lot adjacent to the Eastside store. With the help of a consultant, the feasibility study will help us identify what we can build there and how we can remodel our existing building.

What’s a market study?
In order to determine how the project can benefit the Co-op and its members, we need to understand the market in which operate. The market study will provide information about current and potential competition, trends in the natural food industry within our region, potential new customers/members, etc.

The Survey
This survey is a preliminary step for the market study and we ask two questions: “What is your full address?” and “How much did you spend here today?” This information is to identify the area from which the co-op draws its customers, so it is not necessary to ask for your name.
Thank you so much for being willing to participate in this survey. We will keep you informed along this process.

If you have questions or comments, feel free to contact the Expansion Committee at


The Co-op Expansion Committee

Monday, January 26, 2015

Board Update

The Board of Directors appointed two new directors last night at the first Board meeting of the year. Desdra Dawning and Eric Mapes will fill the two vacant seats on the 2015 Board. Joshua Simpson has resigned, and one candidate declined her position.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Deep Discount Day!

Deep Discount Day!

Saturday December 27th at the Eastside Co-op

Beat your New Year’s resolution to the punch! Close out the year with some awe inspiring deals at the Eastside Co-op!  Enjoy deep discounts on select items in every department.  The Salad Bar is having a Throwback Sale at $5.99/lb all day.  Samples galore in all departments throughout the day! 9am-9pm at the Eastside Co-op only (no special orders on sale items)

EVERYBODY WELCOME!  And hey, the non-member surcharge is suspended for the day!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Friday, October 31, 2014

Annual Membership Meeting

Please join us for our annual chance to share information and good food with the Co-op membership! There will be great treats from the Co-op Deli and entertainment with live flute music by Peter Ali. We will be celebrating the work we've achieved at our stores this year and hear an update on more expansion plans. We will also discuss upcoming changes to our membership cards and record keeping and hear statements from the Board of Directors Candidates. And of course there will be a chance to cast your vote!

Sunday, Nov. 2nd, 4-7p

Olympia Women's Club

1002 Washtington ST SE

Downtown Olympia